Machine Learning and AI
The course covers the following topics
Parametric/Non-Parametric Learning
Discriminative and Generative Algorithms
Naive Bayes, Non‐linear Classifiers
Feature Engineering/Representation
Ensemble Methods
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Unsupervised Learning and Clustering Algorithms
Principal Component Analysis
Neural Networks
Training, Testing, and Evaluation
Reinforcement Learning
Deep Learning
The course covers the following topics
Introduction to Deep Learning and its application
Neural Networks & Backpropagation
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
Interpretability of Deep Learning
Graph Neural Networks (GNN)
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
Variational Autoencoders (VAE) & Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)
Solving Engineering problems using Deep Learning
Balancing of pendulum using policy gradient method shown on the right
Geometry Based Methods in Vision
The course covers the following topics
1. Fundamentals of projective, affine, and Euclidean geometries
2. Projective Transforms in 2D and 3D
3. Single view geometry: The pinhole model
4. 2-view geometry: The Fundamental matrix
5. 2-view reconstruction
6. N-view reconstruction
7. Self-calibration
8. Learning-based SfM and SLAM
Assignment list and links can be accessed by clicking the "View More" button.
Advanced Engineering Computation
This course covers the following concepts, with assignments in C++
Efficient data structures and algorithms for modeling and processing real-world data sets such as trees, hash tables, searching, priority queues, etc.
Techniques for simulation and visualization such as numerically solving ODEs and PDEs, viewing control, programmable shader, etc.
Tools for version controlling, scripting, and code building including sub-version, git, and cmake.
As part of the course project, I have successfully ported the classic Pac-Man game to C++. You can view a demo on the right, and access the complete code by clicking the "View More" button.
Engineering Optimization
This course covers the following concepts
Model construction
Sensitivity analysis
Constraint activity
Nonlinear programming: necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality
Numerical methods.
Mixed-integer programming
Global optimization
Stochastic methods
Trustworthy AI Autonomy
The course covers the following topic
Latent space visualization
Adversarial machine learning
Generative models
Rare-event learning
Sequential decisions making - model-free methods
Sequential decisions making - model-based methods
Stochastic functional approximation
Adversarial AI
Safe AI
AI Evaluation
Hierarchical AI
Applied AI to real-world autonomy